About Me

My ‘Get to know Jess quiz’

5 things you could do without?
Meat, High heels, Alexa (etc), dull people, formality

5 things you can’t do without?
My partner Mrinal, our 3 Burmese mad cats, laughter, Pilates, help from wise, kind people.

5 Things you despise?
Boris Johnson et al, raw peppers, recorder music, pompous people, bullies (see Boris Johnson)

5 Things that delight you?
The moon, The sea, animals, chocolate, bizarre, random human stories

5 Core Values?
Curiosity, Creativity, Courtesy, Humour, Emotional Honesty

5 Things you secretly love but don’t shout about it?
Solitude, history documentaries, nail art bling, ‘nights in’

5 Guilty, Shameful habits?
Routinely killing house plants, people watching for entertainment, checking the progress of my wrinkles every morning as if it makes a difference, leaving stuff everywhere, forgetting people’s birthdays,

5 Living Heroes?
Esther Perel, Gabor Mate, David Attenborough, Jonathon Van Ness, Glennon Doyle, (and old ladies with kick ass style) …that is just for starters

5 Things to relax?
I don’t relax…cooking sometimes works, cafe crawls…erm…work in progress

5 Secret Desires?
Having my very own studio space that I never have to share! reading that pile of unread books, Visiting Granada, buying a beach hut, to have all of my living heroes to speak on my podcast


Artsy, Different, Thoughtful, Kind, Funny, Animal loving, Queer Affirming, Bohemian, ’Spiritual but not Religious’, Quirky, Green Thinking?

If you have all or some of these qualities, we are Kindred Spirits. Let’s catch those ceremony dreams.